Cllr. Ellen McLeay
BH2023/00789 - Land Rear Of 69 Centurion Road
12th June 2023:
There are a number of concerns that residents have shared with me regarding this planning application, and the key item for me would be the issue of change of use – going from domestic storage to that of business storage and distribution - B8 - Storage or distribution.
Later in the application they are asked, does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? They state No, when earlier in the application there is reference to the building purpose being for storage and distribution. I would also like to highlight that this application is being made by a business.
In addition, the planned development to this building would result in a garage three times the size of the original garage building. There is concern that this will place significant pressures on the manoeuvrability of other vehicles that use the driveway for the terrace of houses, 55 to 69 Centurion Road. The driveway enables off-street parking for the residents of the terrace.
Finally, there is concern by residents that the scale-up in size of this property is out of place in what is a conservation area consisting of residential housing. I would recommend that this be investigated as to why the applicant requires the building to scale-up so dramatically if it is indeed for “personal use”.